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May 13, 2010

it's time to change and we need to change

cerita apa nak tulis.. cerita kursus nanti kang bosan pulak.. cerita akt kat umah pun cam sama jer.. so aku share ngan korang ni jelah... taken from WhattoExpect

At 11 months, your baby is beginning to leave babyhood behind. Here's what else your wobbly almost-toddler is up to these days.
As he approaches his first birthday (can you believe it?!), your child is showing plenty of signs of leaving babyhood behind and becoming a more independent toddler. Even if he can't yet stand, cruise along the furniture, or walk solo (many babies don't start walking until they are between 13 and 15 months old - lega baca statement nih sebab Afi masih belum berjalan cuma dia dok cruise along furniture jer), he's likely working on these skills in his own way, and will be on his own two feet soon enough. (And he can probably crawl at lightning speed if he's determined enough to get somewhere.) In terms of play, he can now join in on games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo, instead of just being a passive (but enchanted) observer.

Right now, your 11-month-old baby is learning to take care of himself, in small but significant ways. For example, he may be able to swig his milk (breast milk or formula, that is — he's still not ready for cow's milk yet) from his own cup, and feed himself (ini sedikit masalah sebab Afi sejak kebelakangan nih susah nooo nak makan... mungkin choosy sikit.. sebab dia cuma berselera bila makan telur, pastu nasi goreng.. kalau bagi biskut mau nya dicerai2kan jer) much of his own dinner (with a generous allowance for his hair, bib, lap, and the floor). When you dress him, he may push his own fists through his sleeves if you guide them, or stretch out his leg for his pants or socks as you prompt him.

And — music to your ears! — he is finding his voice. Many babies will utter their first word (beyond the magical "Mama" and "Dada") this month or next. Even if you can't discern a specific word, notice that your baby's babble sounds more word-like than ever. He's trying his hardest to imitate the sounds around him and to communicate with you. The best way to help him, of course, is to keep talking. But he also needs you to listen and pay attention. Respond to your baby's gibberish as if he's a master of elocution and enunciation. Wait patiently while he talks, answer him in kind, and then give him a chance to chime in again. When he tries to tell you something (with speech or gestures), support his basic attempts, providing more vocabulary: "Yes, you see a doggie! He's a nice, brown doggie. Look how fast the doggie can run." When you ask a question or make a command, give your baby a helping hand toward comprehension. If you say, "Can I have that blue block, please?" open your fingers expectantly or point to the desired object. If you make it a game, learning will be more fun for both of you.

haaa oklah tuh kan sedikit info buat tatapan bersama... kang nanti kata aku da publish sharing info pulak.. hehe.. apapun.. aku nih sebenarnya sonok sebab next week kan Hari Guru.. kalau nak ikut hari sambutan tuh kami kena attend course tapi tarikh course telah dipinda ke ari Rabu sampai Jumaat... maksudnya aku dapatler ke sekolah.. tapi dengar kata sambutan sama jer cam tahun2 lepas.. yakni menyanyi pastu makan.. ingatkan kot tahun ni nak ada perubahan.. buat games ker.. sukaneka ker.. tapi tidak... adeh... kenapa yer tak boleh buat semua tuh...

note : it's hard i guess to bring something new to the table... they prefer what they have done before


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